As a commitment to ensuring that our Caring SKILLZ Coaches are equipped for continuous program quality improvement and curriculum delivery, YEDI regularly embarks on a retraining exercise. Tagged Coaches Refresher Training (CRT), the goals are to enhance/build the capacity of Coaches on new facilitation skills; provide up-to-date and accurate information on HIV, malaria, SRH and other areas of focus; and to refresh and update Coaches on YEDI’s Values and acceptable operational standard.
From January 15 – 17, 2020, YEDI convened a 3-Days CRT for SKILLZ Guyz Coaches (Day 1); SKILLZ Girls Coaches (Day 2), and Basic and Advance Coaches (Day 3).
They were introduced to new monitoring and evaluation tools and approaches to the administration of SKILLZ pre/post-challenge; and taken through the process of generation, documentation and report of abuse cases. They also learnt Out of school program planning and implementation; and how to pitch YEDI to stakeholders.
In addition to a strategy session on better ways to communicate YEDI’s impact with the Coaches’ involvement, it was also a platform to refresh and align all of them with the YEDI Child Protection Policy (CPP) and Coaches Code of conduct/Engagement policy, to keep them abreast with current guidelines and expectations.
A total of 56 SKILLZ Coaches were present.